Two Community Events!

“Protecting Maui from Unethical Agro-Chemical Experimentation”
June 6 (Kihei) & June 13 (Paia)
Presented by:
SAFE – Sustainable Action Fund for the Environment
PCRAM – Physicians Coalition for Responsible Agriculture on Maui
SHAKA – Sustainable Hawaiian Agriculture for the Keiki and the Aina

Join us for 2 exciting community events, June 6th in Kihei and June 13 in Paia, as we launch our long awaited health study! Maui citizens spoke with the passage of 2014’s moratorium, yet the County, and now the State refuse to listen or act. Speakers include doctors, scientists and toxicology specialists, as we delve deeper into the issue of unethical agri-chemical experimentation and pesticide drift on Maui.

Presenters to include:

Dr. Lorrin Pang, MD: Pang, who has served as a consultant to the World Health Organization, and Maui District Health Officer for the Department of Health, will be speaking as private citizen on his experience at the Monsanto Tribunal, conducted in April in the Hague. He will also introduce his newly formed organization PCRAM: Physicians Coalition for Responsible Agriculture on Maui

Dr. Joe Ritter is an interdisciplinary Scientist, Physicist, NASA Innovation Fellow and author of papers in Birth defects and multiple scientific fields. He will discuss; Aerosol chemical drift, a planned epidemiological study designed to track illnesses possibly caused by environmental contaminants, and your fundamental constitutional rights. Joe asks:#WhatsInYourBody?

Kristi Cook, M.P.H.: Epidemiologist and Environmental Health Specialist. Specializing in Chronic Disease Epidemiology associated with Pesticide Exposure. Focused Pesticide Exposure and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Hawaii. Will be presenting ” A Helsinki Accord Perspective on GM Field Trials in Hawaii” to give historical background and introduction to the concept of unethical agrochemical experimentation. Gave this same presentation at the World Congress on Public Health in Melbourne, Australia in April of 2017.

Beth Savitt, President of the SHAKA Movement: speaking on the effects of pesticide take home pathways for farmers and the subsequent exposure to their families.