“On two other October dates, Mahi Pono also applied another RUP called cyfluthrin. Cyfluthrin is an insecticide… Posted by SAFE...
Category: Ecology
16.012020January 20, 2020

Maui Land & Pineapple to sell Kapalua water assets
By SAFEADMINIn Ecology, Environment, Water
Maui Land & Pineapple Co. has reached an agreement with Hawaii Water Service to sell MLP’s Kapalua Water Co. and...
21.112019November 21, 2019

‘This DEIS Is Deficient’: Sierra Club, Maui Tomorrow, and others weigh in on A&B/Mahi Pono’s…
By SAFEADMINIn Ecology, Environment, Farming, Guest writers, Mahi Pono
‘This DEIS Is Deficient’: Sierra Club, Maui Tomorrow, and others weigh in on A&B/Mahi Pono’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for...
20.112019January 20, 2020

BREAKING: Monsanto to Plead Guilty to Illegally Spraying Banned Pesticide on Maui
According to the Department of Justice, Monsanto admitted in the court documents that it used Penncap-M, even though the company...
12.112019November 21, 2019

ATTENTION MAUI! A&B East Maui Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) comment period ENDS November 7th.
ATTENTION MAUI! A&B East Maui Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) comment period ENDS November 7th. There is stuff in this...
25.082019November 1, 2019

VIDEO: Hawaii Supreme Court Rules State Breached Trust On Pohakuloa Lease
The Pohakuloa lease is unrelated to the Thirty Meter Telescope permit, however TMT opponents say the State’s breach of its...
24.082019November 21, 2019
12.082019November 1, 2019